Messa & Associates, P.C. Win Justice for Marton Minto

  • In 2002, Marton Minto was 27 years-old when an accident in his tractor trailer rendered him a permanent quadriplegic

  • Messa & Associates began an investigation which led to the discovery that the breaks and seat belts within the truck were severely defective.

  • Joe Messa led a fight against the manufacturers of the defective auto parts, as well as Marton’s employer, who tried ferociously to cover up their own negligence in ignoring recall warnings and notices regarding the tractor trailer’s faulty breaks.

  • Joe Messa and his team of Philadelphia Personal Injury Attorneys earned Martin Minto a substantial settlement which will serve to pay for the expensive treatment and medical care required for the remainder of Marton’s life.

Joe Messa and his team of dedicated personal injury attorneys
made sure that Marton Mento’s employer and all other responsible
parties were held accountable for his continued care.